In a groundbreaking collaboration with Duffy London, Gatekeepers is an enchanting installation set to transform the historic St John's Gate of the Order of St John for Clerkenwell Design Week. This project seamlessly melds visionary surface designs with Duffy London's innovative approach to sculpture, creating a dynamic and organic experience.
Capturing the sense of movement within the static sculptures is a pivotal aspect of this installation. Fur-like patterns flow effortlessly over the organic curves, imbuing the pieces with a lifelike dynamism. Positioned in the transitional space of St John's Gate, the sculptures are anthropomorphized, creating an illusion of potential movement and interaction, inviting viewers to engage with them on a deeper level.
Gatekeepers at St John's Gate for CDW is a testament to innovative spirit and the ability to blend natural inspiration with advanced design techniques. This project not only highlights the potential of AI in creative processes but also redefines the concept of interactive art. The collaboration invites viewers to experience the dynamic and organic essence of the designs in a truly unique setting.
copyright © 2024 orsi orban
In a groundbreaking collaboration with Duffy London, Gatekeepers is an enchanting installation set to transform the historic St John's Gate of the Order of St John for Clerkenwell Design Week. This project seamlessly melds visionary surface designs with Duffy London's innovative approach to sculpture, creating a dynamic and organic experience.
Capturing the sense of movement within the static sculptures is a pivotal aspect of this installation. Fur-like patterns flow effortlessly over the organic curves, imbuing the pieces with a lifelike dynamism. Positioned in the transitional space of St John's Gate, the sculptures are anthropomorphized, creating an illusion of potential movement and interaction, inviting viewers to engage with them on a deeper level.
Gatekeepers at St John's Gate for CDW is a testament to innovative spirit and the ability to blend natural inspiration with advanced design techniques. This project not only highlights the potential of AI in creative processes but also redefines the concept of interactive art. The collaboration invites viewers to experience the dynamic and organic essence of the designs in a truly unique setting.
copyright © 2024 orsi orban